A Lesson Plan for Square Bear Meets Round Hound
Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g., triangles are closed and three-sided) versus non-defining attributes (e.g., color, orientation, overall size) ; build and draw shapes to possess defining attributes.
Represent and interpret data.
Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.
Teacher notes:
Analyze shapes in a plane highlighting the difference between polygons and closed curves.
Lesson Plan for grade levels K-2
New words: attribute; enclosed area; polygon; closed curve: circle, ellipse.
You will need:
A copy of the book; a chalk board or other large board or tablet to assemble data; paper and pencils and rulers for children to make graphs.
Anticipatory Set and Objective: Tell children you will read them a story about shapes. Tell them that all shapes on a flat surface enclose an area and have different attributes such as straight sides; angles (corners); curved sides.
Input: Read the story. Lead a discussion about the different shapes that they see around the Polygon Palace and the shapes they see around the blue lake.
Modeling: Choose a page in the book that includes polygons and closed curves. Use the chalk board/tablet or a white board to accumulate data about the various shapes on the page. Make two columns: Polygons and Closed Curves.
Now ask: What shape do you see in Square Bear? In Round Hound? In the turtle? In Rectangle Horse? In the butterflies? Record the shapes by drawing each under the proper heading.
Guided practice: You may either have paper already divided into two columns or have the children prepare their own graphs with the headings: Polygon; Closed Curve. Using the last page of the story, have the children prepare a graph of shapes that belong in one category of the other. They should draw the shape under the proper heading. Then they should count the number of shapes under each heading and write the number at the bottom of the graph.
Checking Understanding: Hang the graphs and discuss the findings. Were there more polygons or closed curves? Which closed curve was used most on the page: circle or ellipse? Which polygon? Should a square be counted as a square or a rectangle? Both? Why?
Independent practice: Ask the children to write a story about one character on the page. They should use the shapes in the character when they describe it.